Decimal converters

First up all what is decimal number System?So,it is an number System that we use daily while doing any calculations counting and all but it is an system which has a base of 10.As most modern computer systems or other system that uses the binary,octal & hexadecimal logic for their operation. That's why calcont has a software which converts decimal to binary,octal,hexadecimal numbers which you can see in below..

Decimal to Binary

How one can convert decimal number sytem to binary which is easily understandable to computers manually ?First up all,one has to divide the integer part if given decimal number by the base and note down the remainder then continue to divide the quotient by the base until there is nothing left,nothing the remainders from each step and finally list the remainder values in reverseorder from bottom to top to find equivalent Binary number.These is some algortihm from which you can learn and you'll get an idea.But it'll be ofcourse time consuming so you can convert it from here by just entering valid decimal number.

Decimal to Octal

How one can convert decimal number sytem to octal manually ?First up all,one has to divide the integer part if given decimal number by the base and note down the remainder then continue to divide the quotient by the base until there is nothing left,nothing the remainders from each step and finally list the remainder values in reverseorder from bottom to top to find equivalent octal number.Still its a manual procees,you can convert it from here by just entering proper decimal number,but its always good to have a knowledge

Decimal to Hexadecimal

How one can convert decimal number sytem to hexadecimal manually ?First up all,one has to divide the integer part if given decimal number by the base and note down the remainder then continue to divide the quotient by the base until there is nothing left,nothing the remainders from each step and finally list the remainder values in reverseorder from bottom to top to find equivalent hexadecimal number.These is some algortihm from which you can learn and you'll get an idea.But it'll be ofcourse time consuming so you can convert it from here by just entering valid decimal number.